Q.Georgia Peach Coral Bells
I live in lower Michigan (zone 5). This summer, I planted 4 Georgia Peach Coral Bells on the west side, but now I’ve been informed that they do not do well in this sunny location. There is no other area where they can be planted and I’m hoping that they will adapt to the west location eventually with loving care. They are still young plants and hopefully they will adjust to their new surroundings and thrive. Should they be covered with an inverted flower pot for the winter? I sure would hate to lose these plants. What do you think?
Coral Bells should be planted in a shade or partial sun location. Full sun will likely be to much for this woodland plant.
You may have issues with this plant getting sun scald in a full sun location.
New planting should receive adequate water up until winter. You should not need to cover these plants as they are hardy down to zone 3.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.