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Gardenia Plants

Q.Gardenia mystery not flowering. Growing from cuttings.

Zone Northern Europe, Germany | Magnus Matson added on January 24, 2019 | Answered

I brought home to Germany gardenia mystery cuttings from California one and a half years ago. I have two plants, one growing much faster than the other. The bigger plant is doing very well with big leaves. I use a plant lamp, room humidifier and water/fertilise once a week, but there has been no bud/flower growth. Am I doing something wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 26, 2019

With good cutting propagation and care you should have your first flowers in the following year.
It sounds like you are doing great on the care and sometimes you just need to be patient. Plants can be very individual; much like people!


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