Q.Gardenia Flowers Turn Yellow
Just got a Gardenia plant. It is in a ‘ball’ shape at the top of the trunk. It is full of blooms. After a week one opened, then two days later another opened. At this time the first turned yellow. Then the second turned yellow. This is after about two days of being a beautiful white. Is this normal? Also, I heard that it’s best to ‘pick’ the spent blooms off by pinching them at the stem, that it increases blooms next time. Is this true? Why are the flowers turning yellow so fast? There aren’t any bugs on the plant. It is in a partially shaded east-facing place in my front yard.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like it could use a little more humidity. You can either mist it daily, or set it on a tray of pebbles with water poured on the pebbles (the water should not touch the pot). This will raise the humidity.