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Q.garden topiary

Zone 94027 | Anonymous added on October 12, 2018 | Answered

I have 5ft metal lotus frame. I would like to grow green plants to make it into a beautiful topioary. what plants can I use that will grow fast and what size can I buy
them. awaiting your reply

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 13, 2018

I recommend that you consider a small leaf ivy, or another type of vine. Shrubs will not conform to the pre-established shape of the frame and will take a lot of time and training and distortion of the natural form of the plant. A vine will be the fasted growing and will follow the framework, then all you have to do is to shape it occasionally.
You can buy plants in various sizes, including as tall as your frame is.
Go to Wegman's nursery there on Woodside Road, or Los Altos Nursery and tell them what you want to do and they can show you what is appropriate and available.

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