Q.Garden around cement slab
My wife and I recently purchased our first home and are trying to redo our backyard. The home has a large/long backyard with a random large cement slab dead center in the middle of the backyard that is about 12 ft by 20 ft. I think the original owners wanted to have a greenhouse or something. Instead of ripping the cement out, my wife and I have decided to turn it into a bbq/patio area with a gazebo fire pit, etc. We are wondering though, what we could put around the cement gardening wise, to enclose it a bit. We have tried to find some examples of what we can do, but aren’t finding much. Any ideas? The attached picture was before we seeded and put in grass throughout the yard. The cement slab is now cleared.

Congratulations on purchasing your first home! How lucky that you have a fire pit in your backyard, there are so many things you can plant around it. You'll want to check your soil to see if it will need to be amended with additional nutrients to support whatever you want to plant. First, though, here are some articles that may give you some ideas for starters -- there are articles for everything from Chinese to Rock Gardens to Formal Gardens. You may be able to find one that fits your taste in these articles: