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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Ganoderma rot?

Zone 77469 | Farsa127 added on September 29, 2018 | Answered

In my reaearch on ganoderma “butt rot” in palms I have found the fungus grows on the bottom (5 feet or lower, especially at the very bottom) of the trunk of the palm. I have 2 queen palms that have the white mushroom like fungus growing out much higher(over 10 feet) with nothing at all at the base. Is this butt rot or something different?
Thanks in advance!
(Photo is of fungus taken from the palm)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 30, 2018

You are correct about gandoderma butt rot usually being located in the lower portion of the palm trunk. The bagged fungal fruiting bodies are hard to see through the plastic in the photo, but they appear to be more fleshy than the gandoderma conks and may be from a "sulfur shelf fungus".


This is not common on palms from my experience. But in any case you should be concerned about structural integrity of the stem and possible fracture if the infection becomes advanced with wood decay.

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