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Fuchsia Plants


Zone Port Alice, B.C. | sco@cablerocket.com added on October 18, 2016 | Answered

I have two full blooming fuchsias and would like to have them come back as a perennial. How do I keep them? They are loaded with beautiful blooms. I live in B.C. – on the northern tip of Vancouver island. Our temps are tepid and rarely reach freezing. We get a frost now and then but never any freezing. Should I bring them in the house? Or will they be okay outside? I have them in huge pots now and would like to plant them in the ground, providing they will
come back.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2016

You are most likely in gardening zone 8, and in that zone most fuchsia varieties can survive the winter outdoors. Plant them in the ground now, and provide them with some winter protection (like mulch, straw, or a tarp over the ground) for the first winter to ensure they get established.

Another option is bringing them indoors:

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