Q.Fungus In Bamboo Palm Pot- Also Bamboo Not Growing
The first pic of the soil of my large bamboo palm. Fronds seems to be dying a bit more than it was. I tried reporting it because this green fungus or mold was all over (and the palm was busting out of the pot it was in) and so got new soil and knocked off as much of the old soil and spores as I could before replanting. Seemed ok and then it came back. Tried cinnamon. Seemed to help briefly but it’s again back. Help?! Also second pic is the pot I have a blue bamboo sapling (baby?) in. Ordered online. The first didn’t grow- it was a piece of a larger system. The seller sent me this one that was slightly larger to try, and it’s still not growing?! Large enough pot, don’t think it ever got too wet- I let it dry out a bit before watering and soaking again. There’s a fish head in there too…. gets lots of light. Morning sun then afternoon filtered sun. Will it eventually sprout or is it also a loss for some reason?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This would, definitely, indicate a fungal issue. Another thing to consider is that these need filtered light, and never direct light.
What I see is soil that remains too wet (It needs to dry out, completely, down to about 1/3 of the way down the container) which will cause infection. Pair that with direct sunlight, and disturbing the roots with an immediate repotting and it will slow this, already slow palm, to a crawl, if not kill it completely.
You will need to change the care, drastically, in order for this to survive. Here is an article that will help: