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Pomegranate Trees

Q.Fruitless Pomegranate Tree

Zone 76021 | hlf1946 added on March 3, 2022 | Answered

I have a tree I rescued from trash at a Lowe’s about 20 years ago. The label said it was a fruitless pomegranate. The label gave reference to the color of the bloom marking it as fruitless. I loved it. Unfortunately the ONE digit temps last winter killed most of. It had such beautiful flowers and some seasons it actually did have some small fruit but I don’t think it was edible. Wild life loved the fruit. The tree exfoliated. It had a distinct growing habit. The label said mature height was something like 9 – 12 ft. But the tree grew about 20+ ft. Beautiful foliage as well. I have been unable to find a “fruitless) Pomegranate. So is there a fruitless Pomegranate and if so where can I get it. Thanks

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 3, 2022

We do not recommend places for purchase, but you can try online vendors. They may have what you are looking for. Commonly, these are referred to as "ornamental" pomegranate.


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