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Fruit Salad Plant

Q.Fruit salad tree graft failure

Zone Enderby bc canada | Anonymous added on July 8, 2018 | Answered

We bought a fruit salad tree and it seems to be doing well except one graft seems to have dried up. Can we bring it back or is it a lost cause?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2018

The portion of the stem showing in the photos appears to be completely dead. But follow it down to the base and if there is any of the lower portion that appears to be viable, scratch the bark and see if there is any green growing layer under the bark. If so, prune the dry, dead portion out and leave the base of the stem to see if it sprouts. If not in two to four weeks, then it is likely lost. Prune it off at the base.
You can live with the reduced selection, or choose to attempt another graft.

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