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Carob Trees

Q.Frost bit Carob Tree

Anonymous added on September 9, 2015 | Answered

My carob was planted by a nursery 2 years ago and was a 24″ box. Two trees were planted at the same time. Last winter we had a hard freeze and only 1 of my trees was completely bit, the other is thriving. I called the nursery and they said to deep water and fertilize with citrus food, which I did. The tree is dead on top but the bottom is growing like a bush but looks very healthy. Should I remove the dead top and will this grow into a new tree or stay bush like?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 10, 2015

Yes, I would suggest removing the top portion of the tree, as it's likely dead and not going to get any better. You can then gradually prune the lower branches to develop small tree form each season until it is shaped as you like it.

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