Q.Foxtail Palms
We have a number of Foxtail Palms planted in IBCs (https://peopleinplastic.com.au/product/ibc1000l_-_ibc_1000l_tank_new) with the top cut off. The valve at the bottom of the tanks have remained open. A watering system has been put in place and I am told that they have been watered using this system twice a week. The palms are displaying some sort of rot/disease. Please see attached photos. What is the cause of this rot/disease?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Being too wet is usually the cause for this disease. I would cut back watering, or sterilize your water supply. If the water remains warm, or in a lighted condition, then it can easy be infected with a disease. It is best to keep the water cool, and in the shade if possible. You can use wettable sulfur on the tree itself to help control the rot. Peroxide can be used to keep the water fresh for longer.