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Animal Control In The Garden

Q.fox trouble with bonemeal

Anonymous added on August 13, 2015 | Answered

I recently started putting in some new plants – every morning they have been dug out by foxes. It only seems to be the ones where I have incorporated bonemeal in the mix. Any ideas as to what I can do to deter this? I have surrounded the plants with bricks/rocks and a liberal helping of pepper. Are there different types of bonemeal [perhaps one that does not smell/attract wildlife]?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2015

There is a good possibility that the bone meal is attracting the foxes. Since pepper has not deterred the foxes, I would suggest you try a sprinkling of human hair around the roots and even worked into the soil a bit. The next time your family members have their hair cut or trimmed, ask the stylist to save the hair clippings in a plastic bag for you. Then, sprinkle the clippings around the plants and partially into the soil as I suggested. Most animals will stay away from the scent of a human, and human hair is a good substance to use in conveying the human scent. I have tried this to discourage raccoons and squirrels, and it does work!

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