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Q.forgot to plant gladiolus in storage two winters

Zone 5-a | edwarslsmith61 added on May 9, 2015 | Answered

Will glads still grow if I plant after two winters of storage?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 9, 2015

The answer to your question is 'maybe'. Bulbs may last for more than one season if stored properly but the quality of the bulb decreases with each passing season. Here is an article on the shelf life of bulbs that will explain further:

One way to tell if your glads might still viable is to give them the squeeze test. If they are still firm, there’s a good chance they are, but no guarantee. Plant them in well-draining soil, water generously and cross your fingers. Good luck.

For more information on growing gladiolas, please visit the following link:

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