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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Forcing Tulip Bulbs

Anonymous added on February 7, 2014 | Answered

Can I force the tulip bulbs on top of stone (pebbles)? Do I do it the same way you would in dirt? Can I do them now? I also have daffodil bulbs. Can I plant them the same way? Do you have any suggestions on the daffodils because I have so many. I forgot to plant.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 7, 2014

You can do that, but you can only force them indoors if they have been pre-chilled. Tulips and daffodils cannot produce flower buds unless they have been kept at 45 degrees F. or less for more than 10 weeks. Here is more information on pre-chilling: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/bgen/forcing-bulbs.htm At this point in time, if you have not pre-chilled, you would be best to start pre-chilling now and wait until spring and plant them in the ground. They will still grow in the spring if planted and will bloom as well if you chill them.

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