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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Flowers for very hot, sunny location

Zone 8 or 9 | Pja17 added on March 21, 2015 | Answered

The front of my house gets direct afternoon sun. I live in Florida. I’m looking for a flowering plant that can withstand this heat.

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Answered on March 21, 2015

Here is an article that should be of help to you. It lists perennials that are good performers in Florida gardens or in containers.


It is hard to say whether hibiscus would survive in your specific location. When I researched I found the same information as you - people that green lighted it and others that didn't. I would say if you really want hibiscus and want to play it safe, why not try it in containers? Then, you could move them when the heat gets too unbearable for them and still be able to enjoy the colorful flowers.

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Answered on March 21, 2015

Thank you for sending the article so quickly.

I actually had read this before i wrote - because - hibiscus would be perfect. I'm looking for something tall with colorful flowers. But other articles indicate that hibiscus require some relief from the sun.

The area in question gets sun all day and into the evening. There is absolutely no shade at all at anytime. Around 5 pm the building behind is too hot too touch.

Do you feel they would tolerate this.

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Answered on March 21, 2015

The following article will give you a plethora of choices of plants that do well in full sun:

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