Q.Flowers Are Cut Clear Of The Brunches, Why?
The tree is heavily in blossom, like the previous year most blossoms are as if “cut off” the branches, like half of flower foot is still in the branch, but no flowers!!?? Second year on same tree and the younger tree in the other corner has same problem. Looks like something is eating half of the foot and a flower, as there are no flowers on the ground!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, this will not be easy to identify. I can say that there are some signs to look for. Many pests feed at night, like slugs and snails (You would see slime trails), caterpillars, and other animals such as deer and birds. I would look for signs such as animal droppings, or slime trails. This would help ID the issue. Once you can find out what is causing the issue, you can begin to form a treatment plan.