Q.Flowering Agave
Two of my Agave are flowering. They are very large and about 20 years old, maybe older. The flower stalks are 90 cm high at the moment. I’ve just Googled for information and, to my horror, found out that the mother plant will die and the flowers can reach up to 40 ft! The Agave are in a prominent position in my back garden and I don’t want to lose them.
My question is: If I cut the flowers out now, can I save the plants? Your opinion would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards
Margo Haig
Unfortunately due to the genetics of the plant, it is all ready on it's way to dying.
The bloom represents years of the plants energy to reproduce and if you cut off the flower you are missing the incredible sight of blooming Agave.
Thank you for sharing this incredible image!
I'm thrilled to see it and I'm sure it is more stunning in person.
You have certainly help this plant live it's destiny.
You can save the seeds from you plant.
Here is a link with more information.