Q.Floribunda Rose Bush Canes Falling Over? Why?
I recently planted a couple floribunda rose bushes. Each have a cane that has fallen to the ground, but it isn’t dead. I looked up staking them? But most people said it was unnecessary. Is this normal? Or do they need way more water? What is the case for the canes to fall over?

At times the blooms on a cane are so heavy they cause the canes to fall over or droop down. I have at times tied them off to a larger cane in the same bush to hold them up. Or I have driven a green painted wood dowel into the ground and tied them off to that. If it is a new rosebush or one that you have had for less than 4 or 5 years, weak canes show the rosebush is still getting established. Giving the rosebushes some Muriate of Potash seems to help.