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Fiddleleaf Fig

Q.FLF Brown Spots On Leaves

Zone Minneapolis, MN | lizbolejack added on September 16, 2020 | Answered

My 4ft tall FLF has these dry, brown spots on some of its leaves. I have only been watering once a week and the soil has definitely been dry. I received this plant from a friend and before he gave it to me he pruned it by cutting off the top 3 ft (which was very thin and spindly). Would repotting help? Should I cut off the brown parts of the leaves? Does it need its roots trimmed? (apologies that this is a repeat post, I couldn’t figure out how to add photos onto the original post)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 16, 2020

There are a couple of causes for this, and they are quite opposite of each other! Overwatering and underwatering will be the two main causes.

There is a sweet spot. The sweet spot will be to let it dry down to about 2 or 3 inches, but 1 inch will be the very minimum dry requirement. Any further than that, or less than that will cause browning leaf margins.

Another possibility could be that the pruning shears were not sterilized before pruning. This can introduce infection rather easily, given that these trees are very prone to infection.

At this time, I would treat with a fungicide according to the instructions on the one you choose. Make sure to give it proper care for the best recovery. These articles will help:



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