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Zone Venice Ca, 90291 | keoghman added on May 10, 2016 | Answered

I just took up all my flagstones that covered my yard with crushed granite under and in the gaps. Not liking the crushed granite after a few years. I have two male dogs and the smell of their urine does not wash away like with grass or anything green. Also, the dust from the crushed granite is annoying. So I was going to lay the slabs back down and put creeping thyme in the 6″ gaps I propose to have. Question: I was told that I could lay the black material to stop weeds. Then use about 4″ of compost to lay the flagstone on. This will also be enough compost for the thyme to grow. What do you think? Declan

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 11, 2016

I recommend you prepare the soil depth to about 8 to 10 inches deep for the new Creeping Thyme.

I would not recommend using the weed barrier in the planting area of the Creeping Thyme. You can mulch the open areas to help with weed control until the plants fill in.


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