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Peach Trees

Q.First Year Growing Peach Trees (Zone 4)

Zone 4 | cornpatchguy added on October 26, 2011 | Answered

I want to first say thank you for the info on dormant spray on new peach trees yesterday. These two trees might be 3-year nursery stock. Not sure how fast they grow, but they’re a little over 6 ft. tall and branches everywhere. What I don’t understand is none of the existing branches produced any growth, only produced all new branches with lots of new leaves. I don’t know if this common for newly planted peach trees from a nursery. I hope this doesn’t happen every year, seems to me it would never get any bigger or produce fruit. What are you suppose to do with the original branches that never produced anything? I have not mentioned anything to the nursery so far. Can you post pictures of your plants in question here?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2011

I would say that it is not unsurprising that you saw this growth pattern this year. By next year, they trees should have settled in and will produce a more normal growth pattern. You will likely need to do a little pruning though, to keep them in tip-top fruiting form. This article will help:

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