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Q.spirea losing flowers after planting

bonnie.d.cox added on June 26, 2015 | Answered

First and foremost, this is the first plant I have planted…ever. I planted my Spirea as the expert instructed and for 2 or 3 days everything looked just fine. Then all of the white flowers were gone. I am left with just the nub of the flower. Is this normal after transplanting? Should I be doing something? Trimming the dead? Any help would be appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2015

You will need to water a newly planted shrub daily for the first two weeks, after that you can cut back.
Your plant is also stressed so it may have dropped it's blossoms to save energy.
I would not trim anything on the plant right now, just work on getting it well watered and adjusted to it's new garden location.
Here is a link that list the care needed.


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