Hello Debby. Here is a link to a mail order nursery that did have it but it is currently out of stock, they might be able to help you get a Lady of the Dawn, a beauty she is by the way, link: >> http://rosepetalsnursery.com/rose.php?pid=334&cid=5&rose=Lady%20of%20the%20Dawn
You can also try calling Pam at Angel Gardens and see if she can help you obtain this rosebush: Pam Greenewald - Phone #-
352-359-1133 - Email: gardenangel22@gmail.com
Last but not least, try getting in touch with Roses of Yesterday and Today, they too might be able to help you with this. Contact: Email: postmaster@rosesofyesterday.com --
803 Brown's Valley Road·Watsonville·CA· 95076 - Phone #:
Be sure to tell them Stan The Rose Man sent you.