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Environmental Problems

Q.Filling A Slanted Hole/ditch In My Garden

Zone Brighton | MysticFire added on May 26, 2020 | Answered

I am looking to fill a slanted ditch in my garden, the measurements are 10ft x 4ft with the deepest part being 4-5ft. I looked at some soil calculations, and it looks like it would could a few hundred worth of soil to fill. A idea I was thinking of was to dig out the weeds, tangleweed/ivy, and fill the bottom with random rubble/lawn trimmings/random branches, then top with stones, and finish off with topsoil to level it off? Would this work, or is there a better alternative? Where would be the best place to source stones from that could fill the hole?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 27, 2020

When it comes to digging and filling- Different areas have different laws.

Before doing any digging and putting anything into the trench, I would consult your local authorities, and your local extension service. They will be able to help you do everything up to code, and by law.

Here is an article that will help you to find the closest extension service to you:


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