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Fig Tree

Q.Fig tree problem with fruit

Zone Johannesburg, South Africa | dschaal added on December 6, 2017 | Answered

Hi…. have a very healthy fig tree in South Africa … fruit this year is in abundance but majority is falling off as small green fruit and appears a tiny brown worm? (or other critter) has attacked them. Would appreciate your input and advice.
Many thanks
Dot Schaal

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 6, 2017

Some fruit drop is normal, and it may be that you have the wasps in your area that naturally pollinate the fruit. These creatures actually reside, lay eggs, and die inside the fruit. This is the natural process for these trees, and few people know about it. Unless your figs come from a production facility this will almost always happen. This is no cause for concern, though, as this is the natural life cycle of the tree.

Here is an article to correct excessive fruit drop: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/fig-drop.htm

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