Q.fig tree problem
I have a Mission fig tree which I planted 13 years ago. Also, not to far from it, about 10 feet away, I have a big eucalyptus tree. My fig tree has lots of leaves but not so many figs as it gave few years ago. Also, the figs are smaller now. Today, I noticed that a big branch of the fig tree dropped to the ground and is cut in half! I am worried about the tree and would like to ask you this:
1. Is the presence of the eucalyptus affecting the productivity of the fig tree? Will it take away from the fig tree so that the fig does not have anough to give fruit?
2. How long does the fig tree live?
3. What can be the reason for the big branch falling? The tree seems to be healthy and full of branches and leaves.
The eucalyptus itself is not a problem, but being planted that close, the eucalyptus could be using up all the available water or nutrients in the area. Or, depending on how it is positioned, it could be limiting the fig tree's sunlight.
They can live for a century or more, but really only remain productive for 20-40 years. After that they will decline.
The branch may have fallen off for many reasons, everything from pest damage to a flawed in the branch. I would check the tree and the wound carefully for pests, and if you do not see any, and the tree looks healthy, it is likely nothing to worry about.