Q.Fig Tree Hornets
I have a 5 year old Italian fig tree that normally has figs green on outside and reddish pink inside. This year the figs are being attacked by a black hornet looking insect that bores into the base of the fig and eats part of the inside flesh. It does not even wait for the figs to ripen and gets them when they just begin to soften a bit. What is it and what do I do? Thanks.
There are several hornets or wasps that it could be, but I am leaning towards a European hornet. They like the sweetness of the fruit and will attack the fruit because of this.
One of the best things to do it try to eliminate the nest. It will be relatively nearby. It can be tricky, but if you can find the nest, you can basically get rid of your whole problem.
For local control, putting out a wasp trap may be helpful. Baiting it with sweet fruit or juice will draw them in. It will be a slower method of eliminating them, but should at least distract them from your figs.