Q.fig tree diseases
I have a fig tree that has large brown spots on the leaves so that the leaves are dying and falling off. The fruit seems to be OK and growing but I am losing the leaves pretty quickly. I read the article that said it might be rust and to spray the leaves early in the season, but I am wondering if this is the same disease and if I can spray now that the fruit is maturing? I hate to lose my plant, as it has given me lots of wonderful fruit over the year. Thank you.
It does sound like a fungus may be affecting your fig. The leaves dropping and being spotty are good indications of this. Start the tree on a fungicide treatment schedule - every 2-3 weeks for the rest of the season. Make sure to clean up and dispose of any fallen leaves. While the tree is trying to recover, I would recommend removing the fruit. The quality will be low anyway and the removal of the fruit will allow the tree to focus energy on recovery.