Q.Fig Tree
We are considering buying a fig tree – Ficus Carica Napolitana but have reservations about it surviving our winters. We realise that Ficus Carica Brown Turkey is a better bet but are attracted to this particular tree we have seen. We plan to plant it facing south in a sheltered spot and with restricted roots to encourage fruiting.
Please can you advise us as to whether we should go ahead and buy this Napolitana tree or whether we should wait for an attractive Brown Turkey?
I hope you can help!
Best wishes
Alison Timms

Figs are best grown in USDA Zones 8-10 in organically rich, moist, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Figs may be grown in protected locations in USDA Zones 6 and 7 (e.g., against south-facing walls) with root mulch, but plants will usually show significant die back in cold winters. When temperatures in winter dip below 15 degrees F., consider additional protection for outdoor plants to the extent possible (e.g., clear plastic sheets or frames).