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Fig Tree

Q.Fig failure

Zone 8 - 9 | vicnmary45 added on October 1, 2013 | Answered

My Kadota fig tree is growing well but the fruit is dry, even after it turns yellow and softens it is inedible, not sweet at all. I fertilize once a year with fruit and nut tree food. The tree is about 4 years old. The tree itself and the leaves look healthy and it is producing a lot of fruit but it can’t be eaten. What can I do to improve the quality of the fruit?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 2, 2013

Fig fruit end up dry and inedible due to stress on the tree. I would try increasing the amount of water the tree is getting and also have your soil tested. While you do fertilize, there may be a nutrient imbalance in the soil that is stressing the tree.

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