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Fiesta Apple Trees

Q.Fiesta Apple Tree Squirrel Damage

Zone Suffolk | Ancel added on July 6, 2020 | Answered

My 6 feet high apple tree trunk was totally stripped by a squirrel. I removed it but left some deep root In the ground (not visible) a few months later it has sent up several shoots. Will it survive to produce apples and which is the best way to handle this? Dig it up? Let all the shoots grow? Cut it back to leave one healthy shoot? I currently have a protective barrier around it to, hopefully, stop the squirrels dining out again! Thank you Gareth in Suffolk

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 7, 2020

Since Fiesta trees are grown on a grafted rootstalk, that is what is coming back. And you wouldn't want to grow only the rootstalk without the scion, or desirable top of the tree.


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