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Zone union, ky | bobM added on April 29, 2018 | Answered

what is a “phosphate heavy” fertilizer. is there a brand name i should ask for? asked for a phosphate heavy fertilizer at my local garden center ans got a blank stare.

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Answered on April 29, 2018

thanks for the info re:phosphate. going to try some Callas for the first time and an article about them said phosphate heavy fertilizer is recommended monthly to aid blooming. sounds like advise from and for fertilizer manufacturer. I'll stick with a small amt of slow release at planting like i usually do.

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Answered on April 29, 2018

I wouldn't go this route without first testing your soil's phosphate level. Phosphorus is the middle number on fertilizers, NPK. A phos. heavy fertilizer has much more P than N and K, something like 10-20-10 which is twice as much phosphorus as both nitrogen and potassium. There are good reasons to be cautious in the use of phosphorus. This article discusses the role of phosphorus in plants, the soil and fertilizers. Although it speaks of roses, the science behind phosphorus applies to other garden plants. Thinking that lots of phosphorus will increase bloom is a thing of the past but the advice is still common. http://www.rose.org/phosphorus-fallacies-too-much-of-a-good-thing/

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