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Lawn Maintenance

Q.Feeding lawn

Zone 77659 | Mollye added on February 6, 2017 | Answered

I live in southeast Texas and would like to know if it’s too early to put weed and feed on my lawn?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 7, 2017

Does your lawn really need a weed and feed application? Early spring may not be the best time to fertilize and treat weeds.
If you do use a weed and feed, make sure it does list the weeds that you have.
The links below will help you determine the best fertilizer choice for your lawn.


I would also encourage you to talk with your County Extension Office. The will give you the best schedule and usage of fertilizer/weed combination to use for your zone. They can give you specifics to your region, grass time and weather.
Here is a link to help you locate your nearest office.

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