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Insect Pest Control

Q.Fall Veggie Garden

Zone Wilson NC | Anonymous added on August 20, 2023 | Answered

I have attempted to have a fall garden for the past two seasons and it failed beautifully! Pest/insects destroyed everything I planted. I only use Neem oil or a diluted Dawn solution in my garden. Any tips?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2023

I wouldn't use Dawn if you are making insecticidal soap. (Use one without a degreaser.) It's also recommended to buy insecticidal soap for a safer product instead of making it. Homemade ones are more likely to burn the plant.



Neem oil, like insecticidal soap, has to be reapplied. Make sure you are following label instructions and are spraying the top and the underside of leaves.


Here is comprehensive info on controlling bugs. If you decide to go with more potent pesticides, applying in early morning or late evening will avoid most pollinators.



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