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Q.Failure Of Gladioli To Bloom

Zone gl52 8hg (cheltenham, england) | Anonymous added on September 6, 2024 | Answered

For the second year running, potted gladioli have failed to ‘bloom’. Attributed it to drought last year, much, much rain, and also watered, this. Stored March-May in unused garage, both in packs, and loose, bought from 3 different sources. Growth immediate, right up to full height. Yet, of 110 planted, only six have formed ‘corns?’ – and these simply fail fully to open, and ‘wither on the vine’, without producing anywhere near proper blooms. Could it be the compost, which they inherit from (always wonderfully productive) tulips? Was never a problem when compost was changed, in between

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 8, 2024

I wouldn't think it was the compost, but too much nitrogen can prevent blooms. Try adding some bone meal. It could be a disease or virus overwintered with them. Also make sure the containers drain well. Here is more:




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