Q.Euphorbia Drying From The Bottom And Wilting From The Top
Hi, I’ve had this euphorbia for over 6 years now and it was about 2m tall. It’s been in the same spot for the past 4 years and has been growing consistently. I never watered during winter, only spring to about October. In March this year, before I started watering, I noticed the base going dark and soft. It then dried up and was firm so I thought I’d leave it alone, but it slowly progressed upwards so I’m guessing it was rotting. I cut the base today, hoping it will grow roots and I can repot it in a couple of months. The roots were completely dried out. Now that I can see the top of it more easily…I noticed that it’s wilting. Should I cut the top as well or just give up hope together? 😞
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, diseases happen! Sometimes, no matter how proper the care routine, it can still get infected by something.
I would try and separate as many of the healthy growth and portions of stem that you can, in hopes of getting a clean sample. Using cinnamon, and other fungicides before planting can help, drastically, as well! This article is for a different type than yours, but you can use this information for all of the Euphorbias:
This collection of article will offer more information: