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Eucalyptus Tree

Q.Eucalyptus Tree (Archeri)

Anonymous added on June 20, 2011 | Answered

Our Eucalyptus tree planted at 5 foot tall last year did take a bit of a battering when we had all the frosts and snow at the beginging of the year. Most of the leaves on one side of it have dried up and are dropping off. Do we need to do anything with it? I have fed it with Miracle Gro but as yet it still looks very sad. The branches that the leaves have fallen off of are still supple and not dry.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2011

If the branches are still alive, it will recover. There is not much that can be done other than what you have already done to get it to recover faster. It just needs time.

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