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Eucalyptus Tree


Zone Hyannis, Massachusettes | Anonymous added on November 4, 2017 | Answered

We had a funeral services for my grandson and we were asked to take flowers. I took eucalyptus plant and I want to keep it as long as I can. I want to keep it forever as I want to keep his memory forever. Is there any way I can make it as a plant for my house and keep it alive. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 5, 2017

It is possible to grow some eucalyptus species in a pot, but they do grow quickly, so they are not the best to keep indoors long-term. It would eventually need to be transplanted outside or given away. I am not sure what species you have, so I am not sure whether it would survive in Massachusetts.

There are people who make bonsai eucalyptus, but that is something you would need to consult an expert about. There may be a bonsai club or society in your area that could help you.

Perhaps drying the foliage would be the best solution?

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