Q.encore azaleas
Last spring planted four encore azaleas and they grew and thrived through winter here in Anniston Alalbama. about thtree weeks ago they were loaded with beautiful flowers. went on the web for spring hints. had put bark down when planting so put a 1/4 tsp of azalea fertilizer at base. watered at base and lightly sprayed with spectroside disease and bug spray. to my chagrin all the flowers fell off. please tell me what i did wrong and what to now do margot joyce
Flower drop could be due to the natural aging of the flowers. Encore will bloom early spring, then set buds again, and then bloom once again in the fall.
A drought or roots that are dried out can also cause the flowers to drop.
Check the moisture level in the soil.
A balanced granular fertilizer is recommend. Check the numbers on the fertilizer that you used. The numbers should all be the same.
Make sure the spectraside you used specifically says you can use on Azaleas. Is there a reason you sprayed your plants?
Unless you specifically have a pest issue, applications of a chemical spectracide is not needed.