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Q.Emerald Green Arborvitae

Zone 63303 | Buddy Woods added on March 30, 2018 | Answered

We had 15 Emerald Green Arborvitaes planted in our backyard around the first of November. They all looked very good. I was trying to make sure the mulch was moist but we did have some very cold weather where the ground was frozen. Not the trees have yellow/brown areas on them. Are the trees dying? Here are some pictures.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 2, 2018

This is typical of cold damage. This will usually resolve itself over time. I would add some wettable sulfur to the area to prevent any infection from setting in though.

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Buddy Woods
Answered on April 2, 2018

Thank you, BushDoctor!

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