Q.Emerald and Gold Euonymous shrubs from mid vanc island bc
I purchased early this summer 12 emerald and gold euonymous shrubs in six inch pots from Home Depot in Campell river bc. Planted then along a fence with a well dug hole ..opened root ball gently .. fertilized and planted . Covered garden area with landscaping fabric and mulch.. we watered regularly They seem to grow wonderfully.This fall about two weeks ago we noticed the leaves all falling off the original taller stems but we have healthy looking new growth and leaves all around the bottom. Is this normal ? They do not seem to have a bug? I am hoping they will continue to have the new growth grow larger. Please advise if this leaf falling is okay . Thank You.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Sometimes these will drop leaves. If you have new growth, then it will more than likely recover. It could be that they, either, received too much or too little water at some point. It is a good sign that there is new growth, however.