Q.Elfin Thyme
I have a large patio areas with bluestone pavers and I want to establish a robust, easy care creeping thyme in the spaces between stones. My climate is southern New Jersey and the patio gets morning sun for six hours daily. I had originally considered for Elfin Thyme, but cannot find any seed sources, only plants for $4-5 apiece which is prohibitively expensive for my project. Is it difficult to establish Elfin Thyme from seed?
I am also considering Thymus serphyllum “Mother of Thyme” because seeds for these are available. Please give me your suggestions for this project.

If you are not able to fine seeds in your local garden centers, do a Goggle search for seed sources.
You should be able to easily locate sources that can ship direct to you for both types of Thyme that you are wanting to grow.
You can also purchase some plants and divide them and or propagate more plants from cuttings.
You can also ask at your local garden centers if they offer trays of plant plugs.
These are smaller 'starter' plants, often used in a landscaping project such as yours.
You can generally purchase plugs in bulk amounts for much less then full size plants.