Q.elephant ear plants
I put my elephant ear plants in a shed and put sheets over them until our sudden weather that had a deep freeze. When I went and looked at them today, I saw all the leaves had dropped down and looked kind of soggy. What can I do to save them? Thank you.

Elephant Ear (Colocasia) is a pretty tough plant. In climates that are not tropical, many people allow the foliage to flop over in the fall, dig up the bulbs (or the whole plant), clean all the soil off, and bring it indoors allowing it to dry out (it will go into winter dormancy). When the weather starts to get warm again, they set the plants outside again. Your plant's foliage will probably die off, but the plant will continue to live since you will take care of it. GardeningKnowHow has the tips on plant care here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/elephant-ear/growing-elephant-ear-plants.htm