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Elephant Ear Plants

Q.Elephant ear plant

Zone Wake forest, nc. 27587 | Anonymous added on June 10, 2017 | Answered

Planted a elephant ear bulb. The original bud died, but now I have about 6 to 8 new plants from the one bulb. Can I take these new plants off the bulb and how would I proceed with the process?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 11, 2017

If you have 6 to 8 complete plants and not just 6 to 8 new leaves, then yes, you should be able to split them off from the original rhizome. This article will help you -- just make sure you divide the rhizome (root) very carefully so that you include the entire section of it where the new plants are sprouting from:


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Elephant Ear Plants
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