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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Edible Flower Gardens

Zone 78758 | Katy Thomas added on February 27, 2018 | Answered

I would like to plant an edible flower garden but there is a cacophony of information on the internet about what you can and cannot eat let alone how to grow it. Also, I am looking outside of the typical-herb flower- variety. I am interested in those but i’m specifically referring flowering plants not typically thought of for consumption like lilacs or day lilies or hollyhocks. I know there is information available about those plants specifically but is there had a really great comprehensive list of edible flowers anywhere?
If one does not currently exist, is it possible to make one under “Edible Gardens”?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 27, 2018

This is a very difficult subject. We cannot really help very much with edibles outside of the norm, as not much is known on the allergies of these plants, as well as sensitivities and chemical amounts of certain substances within the plant. Now we do have articles on the care of many edible plants, that are not listed as such.

What I recommend is doing research on edible plants that will do well in your area, and then from there pick the plants that you want. After, you can find many articles here on how to grow them.

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