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Echeveria Plants

Q.Echeveria succulent

Zone Boone, NC 28607 | Wanda.Ortiz added on December 9, 2015 | Answered

I want to know if my succulent is dying. It’s a fuzzy kind Echeveria. I’ve had it for a year. In that time-span, it has grown quite a bit. The problem is that I re-potted it recently because it was getting too big. However, stem has started to go brown and thin, like it’s getting dis-inflated. There are green leaves at the top of it, and it seems new leaves are budding at the top, but everything else is brown and ugly. I checked the roots and they’re on the short side. I cleaned them and put them in a medium sized pot to make sure it wasn’t the too much soil. Also, the main root, where the bottom of the stem is, is very healthy and strong. I don’t know if I should cut it, wait it out or just wait for it to die.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 11, 2015

It likely is receiving to much water and to large of a container is the cause.
This succulent would prefer to be root bound and the soil should be on the dry side. Drying between waterings.

You can try a potting mix that is made for cactus mixed in with the soil you have.
You could also try propagating this succulent with the remaining part of the plant.
Here are some links to help you.


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