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Easter Lilies

Q.Easter Lilies?

Zone Fayetteville 30215 | Anonymous added on August 4, 2021 | Answered

Hi all of my Easter lilies are leaning over to the ground and are turning brown. I thought they would be blooming now. Should I cut them all down to the base in hopes that they will grow back next year?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 20, 2021

No. I would leave them to conserve nutrients for the winter dormancy. If you cut them now, you are likely to lose your plants or severely stunt them.

They could be flopping over and turning brown due to saturated soils that do not have a chance to dry out between watering. This is the most common reason for what you see, here. I would treat with a fungicide, and make sure that the soil dries down to two inches. Not much more, and not much less.

Make sure that you do not feed them with a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen around the time when it is supposed to bloom. This will cause a lack of flowering.

Here are some articles that will help:





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