Q.Dying Texas Laurel Mountain Trees
I started building my house in September 2020. One of the reason I choose the lot was the trees. I had about 8 Texas Laurel Mountain tress. When they started building the house all of them were alive but 3 of the trees didn’t look as good I thought maybe they had trauma when they were grading yard. When I moved in February 2021 we had a freeze so I didn’t expect anything to really be thriving. In June 2021 everything was back except those 3 trees. By October no leaves, the bark looked really dried out. I tried spraying the trees with a spray for multiple type of diseases. I used the Miracle grow tree spike but still nothing. I was going to cut them down but when I cut one limb down the inside of the tree still looked alive so I sprayed sealant and left it alone. We sprayed again and used more miracle grow spikes. Now it’s almost April and they look dead!! Should I just take them down. I hate to cut a tree down but I need privacy since I live on the downside of a hill and my neighbors are practically in my backyard. Is there anything I can do? I was told give them time they could come back but it’s been over a year and they got worse not better. Please help!!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Make sure that you test you soil! There is likely too much nutrients, which will stunt or kill the trees.
Once you have the results of these two tests, then you can begin to correct the issue.
This article will help you to know what care these shrubs require: