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Q.dying plants

Zone S81 8LR | BigGib added on June 11, 2016 | Answered

I have built a long bed at the side of my garden using soil from what was veggie beds. It’s been going well for a month but some of the plants (various species) seem to be dying. Leaves are going brown on many of them. I have watered them quite a lot, as many of them have been transferred from pots. Ideas please.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2016

There are a multitude of reasons why leaves turn brown on plants. Because many of them were transplanted I would guess that they are stressed from the move and need time to adjust to their new home. Remove dead leaves and maintain a healthy bed. Water regularly, mulch to maintain moisture, and fertilize using compost or a commercial fertilizer. Be sure each plant has the proper spacing as well.

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